Wordless Wednesday

10:00 PM Posted by Unknown

I really like Pierce Brosnan, but have always thought that the BK character was rather creepy so this assimily may just give me nightmares.


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  1. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    I can see why that just might give someone nightmares lol

  2. Run DMT said...

    That is a crazy resemblance! LOL Happy WW!

  3. The OmniCouple said...

    What in the world!? LOL. I wonder if that is for a role, or is he getting wacky in his old age?

  4. Misadventurous Mommy said...

    That is kinda creepy! Happy WW!

  5. Kitty | CouponDivas.com said...

    That's hilarious! I like Pierce, but not when he looks like the Burger King guy.

  6. tara said...

    oh my goodness! That is hilarious!

  7. Amanda said...

    That's hilariously creepy.

  8. Simply Being Mommy said...

    Oh wow! They are weirdly similar.

    Happy WW!

  9. Gena said...

    LMAO That is ODD!!!

  10. Haasiegirl said...

    omg, i am cracking up right now!!!


  11. Marianna said...

    LMAO that is hilarious!

  12. Kasey@All Things Mamma said...

    That is sooooo funny & soooo true! LOL I never noticed!!

  13. Staci said...

    That's definitely a little creepy!

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