Wordless Wednesday

7:16 PM Posted by Unknown

Andrew and Matthew

Matthew (you can take my picture, but I don't have to like it)

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  1. Cheryl said...

    Great pictures!! The last picture- your son looks like he's got a major 'tude going on!!

  2. Christy aka The Write Gal said...

    The last pic is so funny. That is a great family pic too. Happy WW!

  3. Drahdrah said...

    Love the last pic, and it's caption ! Happy WW !

  4. Staci said...

    Great photos! Love the family pic!

  5. Trish said...

    Yeah, the last picture is so funny!

  6. Marianna said...

    Great pictures. Matthew's face is priceless! :)

  7. Kimberly Kihega said...

    Cute! Matt's pic is funny. Who gets to drive the big truck?

  8. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

    They're all great pictures, bu that last one is ADORABLE!

  9. Nichol said...

    love the last photo too funny!

  10. Upstatemomof3 said...

    That last one is awesome!!!

  11. Golfersmom said...

    Great pictures

  12. Simply Being Mommy said...

    Great pics! Happy WW!

  13. Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

    Those are great. I love the boys on the truck.

  14. Cindi @ Moomette's Magnificents said...

    Looks like you had a great time! My camping picture is up too! Happy WW!

  15. Tiffany said...

    I love how dirty they are in that first picture. That's when you KNOW they had a good time!

  16. Rob said...

    Very nice family picture. Happy WW!

  17. ☼¨`*•.♥RocĂ­o♥.•*¨`☼ said...

    They are Awesome Family Pictures!
    Have a ♥Lovely♥ Wednesday!

  18. babyrocasmama said...

    Aww, how cute!

  19. Run DMT said...

    Great pictures! Happy WW!

  20. Erin Tales said...

    LOL! That last one is super cute.

  21. Totally_Toni said...

    Great pictures Susan they are adorable!

  22. Amanda said...

    LOL that last one is classic!

  23. Laurie said...

    Love the last pic too. Looks like a lot of fun!

  24. Not So Average Mama said...

    I love the expression in the last photo!

  25. just me... said...

    Hey! My son makes the same exact face. Too cute.

    Happy WW

  26. Misadventurous Mommy said...

    Great pictures! My oldest hates having her picture taken too!

  27. Bloggymommy said...

    Happy WW! I love that last photo! lol ;)

  28. Cascia said...

    Cute photos!

  29. The OmniCouple said...

    What a great family photo. You've got two cute kiddos too.

    Happy WW from Sara @ The Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  30. LilBoo said...

    Great pics sis. Give the boys kisses from me.

  31. Bee and Rose said...

    I love Matthew's photo! (love them all!) He reminds me of my son! lol!

  32. Teena in Toronto said...

    Happy blogoversary!

  33. Hyla said...

    Your last name doesn't happen to be Davis does it?? Your husband looks just like my MIL husband!!!

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