Oh, the horror!!!

3:28 PM Posted by Unknown

This happened several weeks ago but let it be a warning to all women everywhere....

I flat iron my hair. My hair is already straight but using a flat iron gives it a more finished look, and I am all about that. One day as I was using my flat iron, minding my own business the iron started to get hotter then usual. I checked my settings and realized the heat was hotter then I had set it for. That is when I knew that my flat iron was on it's last leg (so to speak) and that any minute it would burn out and I alas would need a new one. So, there I am in the bathroom trying to hurry and get my hair done before my iron goes up in smoke. Do you see where this is going yet??

As it turned out it got TOO HOT! Hot enough to burn my hair off!!! OMG, my hair burned, fell off with the flat iron and changed color (interesting since I had no product on my hair and I do not color it). I swear my hair smelled for 2 days after also. It was about a 4x4 inch section on the right under side by my ear. Needless to say that side is shorter then the other now (and I have short hair as it is). I even had to go to the salon to see if they could get the non burnt side to kinda match up to the burnt one. They couldn't, it was too short. Now my hair in that area is totally frizzy, fried, like when you put an iron on barbie doll hair (come on ladies we all did that as kids right?)

So let that be a lesson to ya. Just because you "think" your dying flat iron will shut off or burn out if it gets too hot does not mean it will. It may just keep going till it either fries your hair or goes up in flames.

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  1. Kati said...

    Haha. Omg. I didn't mean to laugh, but I never pictured that happening. My husband gave us the "see what happens when you women try too hard to be pretty" speech!

  2. Sandy said...

    Wow, sorry that happened. Thankfully I have curly hair and therefore don't use anything beyond sometimes a hair dryer, though rarely even that. Hope you heal quickly. I do know the smell of burnt hair though...not good.

    Take care, and fluff your hair mostly dry with a towel, then you won't have to use the iron so long on your hair.


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