Wordless Wednesday

8:30 PM Posted by Unknown

Another storm brewing in Tennessee.

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  1. Doré said...

    ooooh, that looks creepy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Staci said...

    Very cool shot! We love watching the storms roll in.

  3. Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

    Wow. That's a really dark and spooky looking sky!

  4. The OmniCouple said...

    WOW. That is one dark sky. We are in Arkansas and have had storms lately too. Lots of tornado warnings.

    Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  5. Tiffany said...

    Wow, I bet that was a big sorm!

  6. Simply Being Mommy said...

    Gosh, I hate storms. Nice shot though!

  7. Night Owl Mama said...

    take cover I hate storms

  8. Amanda said...

    That looks like one hell of a storm brewing.

  9. Nichol said...

    oooh I hate storms!

  10. Christy aka The Write Gal said...

    OOOH!! That looks like a really bad one coming. Happy WW!

  11. Not So Average Mama said...

    Great shot!

  12. Laurie said...

    Eek that looks pretty ominous!

  13. AccidentalMommy said...

    ow that is a mean looking sky!

  14. The Mud Bug said...

    That looks scary! I love storms as long as I am inside, lol. Happy WW!


  15. Trish said...

    We've had a lot of storms here recently too! I love how the sky looks during a storm.

  16. Bloggymommy said...

    Holy shit! That does not look good! Stay safe!

  17. Marianna said...

    That would scare the heck out of me!

  18. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    Just seeing that gets me all excited. I LOVE summer storms.

  19. Blessings Abound said...

    That's what it's looked like around here lately with all our rain and thunder storms! Happy WW Susan!:)

  20. Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) said...

    That looks surreal - very cool! :)

    Happy WW a day late! :)

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