My emotional weekend

6:46 PM Posted by Unknown

We finally started clearing out our house for our move. The garage was our first project since it was the biggest, for the most part. I went through dozens of boxes deciding what to keep and what to throw away.

I have boxes of old things. Most people would call it junk, and it very well would be to them. But to me they were memories. Just trinkets and odds and ends from my school days. Things going back from grade school through high school. Long ago items that scream 70's and 80's. I never look into these boxes, except when I move. The things in these boxes are tied to memories that are never thought about unless looking at an item tied to a particular memory. What do you do with things like this that mean nothing to anyone except you?

Dh did say that if it meant that much to me I could keep the 2 boxes filled with long ago things. He said that, but seriously that man is attached to nothing and doesn't even remotely get it.

In the end I looked in the boxes one last time, cried and elected to toss it all.

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  1. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    Oh, that must have been so hard! I have a few boxes like that, some I've already lost thanks to my parents years ago. I wish you luck going through the rest of your house!

  2. Milk and Honey Mommy said...


    I left a box of homemade cassette tapes of many favorite songs in a move I made more than ten years ago. Every once in a while I wish I’d kept the box, but I know that it was for the best because I was “growing.” In our recent move, I wish we’d left some of the things we brought because we just didn’t need it all. My husband is still shaking his head at the two very large boxes of hangers I packed.

    I hope the continued packing goes well. It’s interesting how we feel free to let go of more “things” as time passes.

  3. Kelly said...

    I have a hard time getting rid of stuff too. We are going to be moving a few weeks so I'll have to go through all our stuff. But our new house is much bigger so I'll have lots of storage room. Which could be a dangerous thing

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