We just can't win

6:41 AM Posted by Unknown

Seriously no matter what we do things just seem to go the wrong way for us. We are looking into getting our new RV. We have done everything to get our credit score up to that point that banks like. We have been cutting back and saving for our down payment and it has been all for nothing I guess.

Now banks, credit unions etc are telling us that we can't get a loan because we don't have a car payment, house payment or some other "secured" debt and that makes us a bankruptcy risk. WTF?

We have gotten and been turned down for our share of credit in our life but this is the first time we have been told that. And anyone who follows my blog knows of my stupid vehicle issues and I wanted a new van back in October but dh said we couldn't get one because we needed to keep things off our credit and save money. A lot of good that did us huh?

The same thing happened yesterday when my sister and her fiance went to get her wedding band at a well know jeweler. They were given the same reason we got. Needless to say her fiance was mortified when he was turned down since he has excellent credit. The ring they wanted was only $500

Of course dh did not have another plan in the works for this senerio because he always assumed we would get the loan for the RV. So now he has to figure something else out. The kids and I staying here in AZ is not an option for him though. And the reason we were getting the RV and not just getting a place (rental house, apartment) everywhere he worked was because it cost too much to keep moving an apartment full of belongings place to place.

So, I swear if dh moves us back into his mom's old piece of shit 29ft RV I will seriously blow a freaking gasket!!

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  1. Melinda said...

    oh honey I'm so sorry. Hopefully things will make a turn for the better real soon!

  2. GRAMEE said...

    oh no not that old piece of shit...LOL keep those gaskets where they belong. i hope you can figure it all out!

    credit makes no sense to me!!
    you can have to much not enough bad good..who knows!

  3. HeatherL said...

    Girl! I read your post on the board and hopped on over here and read this. I'm so sorry! What a mess. Will they extend the credit if you can scrape together more money for a downpayment? (((hugs))) hon!!

  4. Bee and Rose said...

    It just doesn't make any sense at all. My husband has been in banking for almost 20 years and says he's never seen anything like it.

    Hang in there! Sending you a bunch of good luck wishes!!!

  5. Mommy Cracked said...

    I'm so sorry, Susan. That just plain old sucks. And it's not just you guys....this seems to be a huge problem everywhere thanks to the craptastic economy. I pray things will work in your favor.

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